Monday, May 10, 2010

Welcome to Tasmania!

To continue my story of the flight to Australia, I realize that good conversation helps time to fly by (thanks Byron!), but given that I slept a good 7 hours and ate two decent meals (thanks Quantas!) the jet-lag was really minimal. In fact, I am going to go so far as to say that I was less jet-lagged than on trips to Europe...maybe because it's like you spent a whole 24 hrs on the plane? I dunno, but luckily for me, I adjusted right away to everyone else's schedule.

So, after 15 hours to Sydney, a quick 1.5 hr flight to Launceston, and then a 1.5 hr drive to Scamander, I finally arrived. Greg picked me up from the airport and we cruised to the coast, passing heaps of sheep grazing on the hills...pretty idyllic, really.

My arrival coincided with a big move for the family, from their house in "town" (Scamander is teeny tiny, so it's relative) out to their 10+ acres on Little Beach, about a 30 min drive away. So, for the past few days I have helped move boxes, unpack, and deal with the trials and tribulations of living in an unfinished house...basically glorified camping. But this is the view...

and this...

...don't you just love the gum trees?

...and this adorable kelpie puppy, Mojo

...and my cute little cousin Sorcha (pictured with Percy the pony)

and we get to play in tidal pools that have cool starfish and sea anemones (Sorcha pictured with Josh in the background).

So yeah, I guess life could be worse.

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